Friday, August 31, 2012

Week 6 - Poster Statement

The presentation outlines possible scenarios over the next 50 years and explores the evolution of society over a range of different everyday needs which we refer to as our 'species'. The 7 species include politics, culture, education, transport, agriculture, built environment and technology. These 7 species are incorporated within the four major categories of 'future visions and scenarios', 'sustainable future', 'people and lifestyle' and 'architectural opportunities'. Rather than being four separate categories they  effect and relate to each other  and could be broken up further into the 7 species to be more clearly defined. It was also easier to show the 7 because we refer to them in everyday life and could show reasonable and everyday occurring relations between the species.

The presentation uses a tree like structure which expands out from the center, over the four panels. This tree shows the evolution and growth of society and each species through the many branches. The timeline starts at 2012 in the current state of the world. Generally a main branch will flow through each species and develop new branches, showing the expansion and evolution of that idea. For example you may use the idea of transport, where one of the main branches might be personal transport (cars). This branch may separate and go in different directions to show various inventions with cars or new car companies trying to be innovative with new technology (hybrid cars). The branches also stop in many places and don't continue which symbolizes the end of an evolution type (could be the ending of petrol use, or maybe a car maker closes down like Holden or ford). 

Another example could be education which grows branches by new policies like requiring schools to follow sustainability guidelines, introducing new subjects or reaching milestones in % of the world now educated. 

the timeline expands outwards and shows intervals at 5 years at a time (the dotted lines). A number of important time periods or 'ages' occur throughout the 50 including the resource crisis age, the economic crisis, various wars and the peak of the population growth. These occurrences affect what happens throughout the timeline and various growths and declines in the evolution can be seen around these points in time.

pictograms were used throughout the timeline to display and explain possible scenarios occurring throughout the different periods. These pictograms ranged in complexity and displayed a whole facet of scenarios.

A description of the four categories is noted down the left hand side to explain our groups belief of what will occur over the next 50 years and the consequences and opportunities of this evolution tree. Furthermore a timeline is displayed across the top of the page further detailing the important events that occur through the evolution tree. Each species can be related to the timeline at the top through a color coding legend.

To me, the group worked well and developed a good project. Unfortunately due to tragic circumstances, I was unable to do some of the work outlined for me. Thankfully, my group was very understanding and were kind enough to take on my work as well. I think the final product was very successful and am very happy with the final product.

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