Saturday, September 15, 2012

Week 8 - Lecture

Sustainability isn't about being green

Sustainability - Able to be maintained at a certain rate or level. conserving an ecological balance by avoiding depletion of natural resources...

The whole greening effect just looks good for companies images. They look they are up to date with the worlds environmental problems and like they actually care. What they are doing though is merely changing and improving their image and cutting costs whilst making it look like they are doing it all for the right reasons. This facades of greening is generally hardly any more sustainable.

Current Standards

Some companies may spend money on improving services or making them more environmentally friendly, but generally they are doing it for a monetary gain or some other benefit. The problem is that their are few people or companies out there that are willing to spend money without expecting something in return. They cant do it for the greater good without getting something back.

I think that the materials from all the buildings built today should be recycled upon decommission of the building. Nothing should be wasted, all concrete should be reused and any other materials in new buildings should come from buildings and building materials that have been demolished. Why bother making and wasting new materials when something can be recycled and reused just as well. 

As for companies being sustainable... All companies should be forced to work under more sustainable guidelines.  This obviously would create extra monetary problems for companies but you could have offsets, reductions of costs and other rewards for companies doing this. We should also have more researching in new and existing fields that are constantly looking at expanding and improving technologies rather than just being comfortable with what we have got now. What we have now isn't sustainable enough and everybody needs to do their part to improve sustainability.

Desired Sustainability Standards

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