Sunday, December 9, 2012

Exemplar Sections 3 - 1:50

Eco-Friendly House in Deitingen (Switzerland) - Spaceshop Architekten (2007 - 2010)

Like exemplar 1 and 2, this section is of a small building, and in this case only a small portion of the building. The building itself is an eco-friendly building and incorporates a wide array of those materials and building methods. 

Once again this section seen below clearly indicates what the main activity will be going on within this room. That activity is relaxing. The section manages to explain, even without annotations, what sort of materials will be used and their rough sizes. The structure is also shown, but not explained. 

Original Scale 1:50

The section gives a clear indication of the spatial qualities  of the building, how it sits on top of the earth below and how it connects with the rest of the house. It also shows that rather than having a typical roof,it is a green roof, with grass growing on top. 

As my underground community will have a number of different material types and surfaces within and around the underground dwellings, it will be important for me to convey what the materials are through simple visual styles as seen through this section. The sections uses hatches and line weights to do this very effectively and simple images to sketch types to show grass and soils. 

Original Scale 1:250

Even though the scale above is 1:250, this is similar to the level of detail that would sometimes be shown for 1:100. This scale doesn't indicate how space work, but more how the building sits within the surrounding environment and the make-up of the building itself. 

Sourced from
- To Toshi, K. (2012, 04). Spaceshop Architekten. Architecture + Urbanism, p. 86.

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