Monday, December 10, 2012

Wall Surface Tiles

The 1:50 section shows a number of surfaces of walls that you would not expect to see in the underground community. As all of the walls and floors are made of concrete, it would make for a very boring, monotonous and unpleasant environment to have only the one surface. As space is limited it is important to use materials that will use very little space but create a big visual impact.

Residents in the underground community are able to install very thin bit life like materials that can be used to transform a space into what the occupant wants. These materials have surfaces exactly like real building materials like brick, timber panels, tiles, plasterboard or any other material.

These tiles can be used inside the dwelling or on the exterior surface and appear exactly like they would on a building made of those materials (e.g. brick tiles have the rough surface and have the grout surrounding the bricks).

Plasterboard and timber panel walls can be painted over and customised to suit the resident and different shapes and styles of brick and tiles can be used. 

Whilst the main purpose of the tiles is to create different spaces and avoid monotony, another use of these tiles is to help occupants create a house that makes them feel most comfortable. As they are moving underground, it is important they they adjust to the environment. Using these tiles allows them to create an environment that could be very similar to their old house. In conjunction with the concrete cut outs for multiple levels and the mimicking windows, an occupant could create a dwelling very similar to a previous home. 

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