Sunday, December 9, 2012

Exemplar Sections 6 - 1:100

The Smallest House on Antwerp (Belgium) - Sculp(IT) Architecten (2007)

This section is another basic one that gives an indication of the building itself and how it is arranged. In terms of explaining the spaces, it indicates what the space is and goes into no detail. This kind of details can be left for the smaller sections (no smaller sections provided here). It gives a very brief understanding of how to ascend through the space and the shape and size of the rooms as well as the interaction with the adjacent environments.

Whilst this section is 1:100, it appears as though it would have originally been drawn at a different scale like 1:50 or smaller and then reduced to fit into the journal. This is because the level of detail provided in the walls themselves is quite a lot (connections between perpendicular walls would be detailed even at  1:10).

Whilst the detail in each room is very little (left for 1:50) that white space gives the walls and other detailed components more impact. I think if those spaces were detailed more, the section would look very cluttered.

Original Scale 1:100

All of the sections at 1:100 and 1:50 have provided a very good understanding of what should be included and what should be left out at each scale. Along with all of the other exemplars, I think I have been given a good understanding of a range of techniques to use and it should put me in good stead to complete my two sections successfully.

Sourced from
- To Toshi, K. (2010, 04).Sculp(IT) Architecten. Architecture + Urbanism, p. 30.

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